If you are a hard-working parent, you might have the edge over other working professionals when it comes to vying for a PR award. Parents possess a few desirable personality traits that could improve their chances of success.
1. Parents Practise Honesty For The Sake Of Their Children
Every parent wants their child to grow up being honest. Parents will thus try to model this behavior by having their children own up to mistakes and having open conversations with them.
It is extremely important for a PR campaign to run with facts as it’s telling its story. The Nestle baby milk scandal is an example of a PR disaster that could have been avoided with honesty from the start.
2. Parents Are Resilient And Know How To Persevere
No one has ever claimed that parenting is easy. From toddler tantrums to diaper changes, parents learn to cope with stress and hard work.
PR campaigns require people to be responsible for a client’s reputation, and you may need to be able to recover from failure quickly. Parents often deal with failure daily, and it may be easier for them to bounce back.
3. Children Inspire Parents To Be More Creative
Every award-winning PR campaign has elements of creativity. Children can lose interest quite quickly, and parents need to think on their feet when entertaining their kids.
Parents can use their creative skills to up their game when competing with other brands in a marketing campaign. Creativity wins PR pitches and awards.
4. Parents Have Great Communication Skills
Parents acquire various communication skills while raising their kids. Award-winning PR campaigns can effectively communicate with a target audience and must excel at developing trusting relationships with the public.
5. Parents Know How To Organize
Having children teaches you to be more organized, whether it is packing lunch or ensuring that kids complete all their chores and homework. PR campaigns require you to give presentations and attend press events in an organized manner.
All in all, the skills that parents acquire while raising their children can give them a significant advantage in a PR role. Get in touch with EngageU For more information about PR awards.